Easy indoor plants

Rachel Trainum

As we end our first week of Spring some begin to think about ways to freshen up their living spaces. Spring cleaning is always a popular activity this time of year, but something as simple as adding a small plant into your room can bring that Spring Freshness you need into your life.

Here is a list of 5 plants that can bring a little extra something to your room, without the hassel of maintaining them.

1. The Air Plant

These plants don’t need watering often and are typically place in a class container that allows for lots of airflow.

2. Aloe

Not only used for sunburns, but the Aloe plant is easy to care for, and requires some sunlight.

3. Moss Terrarium

The perfect DIY project, moss doesn’t require direct sunlight and doesn’t need frequent watering.

4. Spider plants

These fun looking plants need little light and water, making it a perfect plant to make part of any home, apartment or dorm room.  

5. Chinese money plant

This plant only needs light, but not direct.  The money plant needs to be saturated at least once a week.  


And if it doesn’t matter how easy the plant is to maintain, there is still one plant that requires virtually no care at all.  It’s the plastic house plant.