Résumés 101

Emma Hassemer

Deadlines are approaching for internships in the fall, which means it’s time to make your resumes perfect. A lot of students only focus on how their GPA looks, but companies are looking for so much more than just that when it comes to your resume. Here are some key things that you need to make your resume close to perfect.

 1. Organization

When a company is looking at your resume, it needs to be physically attractive in order for it to not go in the “trash” pile of resumes. Although there are many cool resume layouts online that you’re able to download or create, stick with the simple. Having a simple theme to your resume will make it look clean and professional along with making it easier to read.

 2. Get involved

Although your GPA is very important, there are other factors on your resume that are necessary to highlight. Having a list of activities and clubs is important to have on your resume. Along with this list, make sure to say what your role was in that club or organization and what you learned. For example, if you’re the President of your sorority or fraternity, don’t just put, “President of my fraternity.” Make sure you elaborate and say, “I learned leadership skills and how to manage a large group of people.” This will show the company that not only you were a president of a fraternity, but also that you learned something out of it.

 3. Contact information

You would think this is common sense, but you’d be surprised at how many applicants forget to put this. If you don’t have your correct phone number or email, there goes your chance at ever getting an email or phone call from a company. Double and triple check that your email is up to date and your phone number is correct, or it will be impossible for the company to get in contact with you. Another tip when it comes to contact information is having a simple email address. Don’t use your email address from middle school that has your nickname and the year you were born in. Create an email with your first and last name so it’s easy for you to remember as well as the company.

 4. Experience

Having previous jobs on your resume is an opportunity to show the company you have experience when it comes to the work world. Make sure you only put relevant past jobs that have to do with the internship that you’re applying for. If you didn’t work a job that has to do with the internship you’re applying for, then apply what you learned from previous jobs to the internship position. For example, if you’re applying for a management position but don’t have previous job experience specifically pertaining to that, highlight the work you have done, such as being a group leader in your previous job.