Student’s opinions on Bernie Sanders’ free tuition policy


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Bernie Sanders

Emma Hassemer

Tuition for public colleges and universities has become very expensive throughout the years and continues to increase every year. Some universities are topping $60,000 a year to attend.

With the cost of tuition being a major reason why many students can’t attend college, presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders believes that “it’s time to make college tuition free and debt free.”

After asking students how they felt about Sanders’ free tuition policy and the possibility of it being implemented, this is what they had to say:

“If college were to be free, college degrees would be worth nothing. Free education should be earned through scholarships, not just handed to us.”

–Eric Bergquist, Freshmen, Pre-Business

“It’s a bad idea. People wouldn’t work as hard if we had free education. Plus, taxes would be raised.”

-Sydney Converse, Freshmen, Pre-Business

“Although I am a supporter of Bernie, I think free tuition wouldn’t work for large public universities, but would at the community college level. I also think large universities will have to raise their academic standards for admittance to deal with all the new students coming in who couldn’t originally afford college.”

-Mac Copeland, Freshmen, Civil Engineering

“I support this policy because a lot of families struggle with finances and putting their children through college. I feel like this could give everyone a fair chance at getting an education and a job.”

-Savanna Sylvis, Freshmen, Pre-Business

“The policy should be reformed. Other countries that pay for student’s tuition end up overcrowding because of all of the students wanting free education. In my case, the National Guard helps pay for my education, and if this policy were to be passed, it wouldn’t matter anymore.”

-Jacob Cline, Sophomore, Agricultural Biochemistry

“I support Bernie, but I don’t necessarily believe in his free education policy. It’s a great concept, but it will only further the American debt.”

-Ally Mauer, Freshmen, Event Management

“I don’t see how [Bernie Sanders] is going to do it. We are already in debt. I don’t see how it’s going to be possible to pay for all the things our money is being put towards with no money in the bank account.”

-Emily Marrs, Sophomore, Meteorology