Planning ahead for spring break


Planning ahead for spring break

Casey Laktas

Spring break is just around the corner and whether you are going on a big trip with friends or going back home, it’s a good idea to start preparing ahead of time. From taking care of yourself to saving money, there is a lot of little things you can do to get you ahead start on your week off.

1. Start eating better: This is especially important if you plan on taking a trip because if you don’t change now, you may regret the poor dietary choices you make on your trip. Drink lots of water and try your best to cut out the junk food, that way by the time it comes around you will feel better and your body will thank you.

2. Working out: It’s always good to work out a few times a week, but if you are worried about spring break try going a little more. It won’t help to workout like crazy the week before, so plan ahead of time and you will see a difference even if it is just a month in advance. Do what you like and it will be easier to stick to it.

3. Do research: This is very important, especially when planning a trip, to know where and when the trip is happening. That’s just the beginning, make sure you have enough money, transportation and the extra activities you want to do. All the little details are important so sit down with your group of friends and make sure you are all on the same page.

4. Saving money: This is probably the most important because the trip can’t happen unless you have the cash. Just remember, having extra money to make memories with friends or family may be better than that Starbucks run you make everyday.

5. Get organized: Once you have the big picture of what you will be doing, start making lists of what you need to buy or bring with. No matter where the you are going to go, there are items you will need and you will be less likely to forget if you start planning ahead. 

Whether it’s your first spring break in college or your last it’s always a good idea to plan ahead of time. These tips will make your vacation seem easier on yourself and more enjoyable!