Stressed over studying

Felicia Dacosta

With finals approaching, Iowa State students are studying endlessly in order to feel prepared for their exams. Studying for multiple classes at a time can be difficult and overwhelming, especially for new students who are just jumping into the finals week agenda. Although studying is time consuming, it feels great to take on your exams with confidence. Here are a few tips for studying and stress relieving. Happy studying!

1. Alternate between classes

Going over a certain subject over and over again can become dull and aimless. By switching to different classes from time to time can help refresh your mind and keep you on track!

2. Take a break

Don’t overwork yourself, take a breather. Take a power nap, exercise or get food to refuel.

3. Write down your notes

Pam Mueller and Daniel Oppenheimer of Princeton University and UCLA Los Angeles say that by writing down your notes, you learn more than typing them.

4. Study with friends

Having a study group that can motivate you to keep going is a great resource. You can take turns testing each other and help with what isn’t clear to you in class.

5. Don’t stay in one spot

Switch up your area of studying and get your mind working!