Healthy tips


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Healthy tips

Casey Laktas

From staying up late studying to watching netflix it can be hard to maintain a healthier lifestyle in college. Knowing that the gym is not for everyone, there are still little things you can do that will make a huge difference. Here are some easy tips that can help you in the long run.

1. Drink water

It’s the most obvious one, but also one of the most important. Staying hydrated is essential and it is easy to carry a water bottle around in your backpack when going to classes. If you eat at the dining centers, try getting water for one of your meals instead of artificial drinks. By drinking water you will feel more energized, focused and full.

2.  Reduce Stress

Stress can lead to some unhealthy habits, a lot of it involving eating unnecessary food. Instead of turning towards food try drinking tea, going for a walk or even stretching. It will eventually become a healthy habit and will benefit you more than just trying to feel better in the moment.  

3.  Sleep

This is a hard one because college students are known for getting very little sleep. Whether it is during the week or weekend, it seems that there is never a time you wake up feeling you got enough sleep. Lack of sleep will lead to unhealthy choices, like reaching for those sugary snacks for the energy you need or skipping your workout because you are too tired. Power naps will help, but try to get those eight hours of sleep.

4. Exercise

This seems to be the most dreaded and hardest part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The gyms here at Iowa State offers a lot of fitness classes that are free and convenient. If you aren’t into classes they also have a pool to swim some laps or you can even go rock climbing. If the gym is not really your thing instead of taking the bus everywhere you could walk to your classes. You could also look up easy workouts that you can do in your dorm room and still be able to watch Netflix, making the time go by way faster. Yoga is also a great alternative and helps with the reducing of stress.

5. Plan

College students seem to always be doing something, whether it is writing a paper or going to a club meeting, which makes it hard to stay healthy. Taking the time on Sunday to plan out your busy week will make you feel better and less stressed. If you are going to the gym try to figure out when and if you know you have an early morning class plan accordingly so you can get a good night’s rest. Scheduling your week will make it seem more manageable and can help with making better choices.