Fall break activities

Tyler Lewis

Fall Break is finally here, and now you have a week to do absolutely nothing if you choose. However, some people still like to find ways to be active and be productive. Here are some tips to have an active fall break.

Play Football

While the NFL players are taking a break from the action at Halftime. Round up your family/friends and have a Thanksgiving football game of your own. Football is a great game to play with anyone, and will definitely make you break a sweat.

Have a Snowball Fight

Depending on where you live and if you have gotten a lot of snow, having a snowball fight can be a lot of fun. After that huge Thanksgiving dinner, a snowball fight is something family of all ages can enjoy instead of doing the post Thanksgiving nap.

Take a walk around the neighborhood

After eating such a large meal, taking a stroll around the neighborhood can be an excellent way of keeping active over break and keeping off unwanted pounds. 

Do Yoga

Yoga is a great anaerobic exercise to do in the comfort of your own home. YouTube and other sites have numerous amounts of yoga tutorials.  So whether you’re a beginner with no experience, or a pro who’s snowed in the house for a week, you can stay active and flexible while taking a break from class.