Cyclone Cinema votes on spring 2016 lineup
Courtesy of Student Union Board
Cyclone Cinema will announce spring semester’s movie line up during winter break. There are two films left in the 2015 lineup.
November 13, 2015
Student Union Board is finalizing its lineup for Cyclone Cinema in the upcoming spring semester .
Cyclone Cinema co-directors Hannah Nation and Rob Hansen said SUB has been voting at its general meetings on movies it would like to see. So far, it has voted for “Star Wars: Episode VII,” “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay — Part 2,” “Steve Jobs” and “The Martian.”
“We play trailers for each movie that we are thinking about showing at the Student Union Board general meetings and we have the general members vote on what they would like to see,” Hansen said.
Things Student Union Board takes into account when deciding what movies should be played at Cyclone Cinema include box office sales, reviews and public anticipation for the movies that are not yet released.
“[For Cyclone Cinema], spring is normally more of an Academy Award-winning or nominated films,” Nation said. “And then we try not to put too many of the same genre films back to back.”
Hansen said the spring semester lineup should be announced sometime during winter break.
The remaining movies for Cyclone Cinema this semester are “Southpaw” and “Fantastic Four.”
Cyclone Cinema movies are shown at 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. Thursday-Sunday nights in 101 Carver.
For more information, visit SUB’s webpage.