Five things to know about free speech on campus

Ellie Conrad

  1. Free speech zones: Iowa State doesn’t actually have ‘free speech zones.’ The university has spaces designated as public forum areas instead, which are much larger and have fewer restrictions.
  2. Registration: You don’t have to register your event to use a public area forum, as long as it meets certain criteria. This includes having fewer than 50 participants and not using amplification or electronic equipment aside from handheld megaphones.
  3. Police involvement: ISUPD doesn’t actively patrol the public area forums. They only become involved if complaints are made regarding a group or individual, and then, they only intervene if the cause of the complaint is breaking a law or school rule.
  4. Sidewalks: While users of the public area forums are not allowed to block sidewalks, they can use them. This includes standing or walking along them to hand out flyers or brochures and carrying out demonstrations along the sidewalks.
  5. Inside/out: Most of campus is fair game for handing out flyers or brochures, speaking, or protesting – as long as it’s outside. Once an event moves indoors, there are many more restrictions due to concerns about disrupting classes.