Fall trending fashion

Casey Laktas

Fashion is an essential all year long, but with fall here, we have to switch our wardrobe from shorts and tank tops to jeans and sweaters. Fortunately, there are so many different pieces are trending during the fall which makes it easy and fun to put outfits together. So even if you aren’t a fan of the cold, Iowa weather fall fashion is a great way to express yourself!

Here are some trending fall fashions:

1.Flannels are definitely popular among people throughout the fall season. One of the best qualities about flannels is that there is more than one way of wearing them. Trending right now is tying the flannel around your waist, whether you are wearing a dress or jeans, this will make any outfit appear more edgy and comfortable.

2.When walking around campus, it is very easy to see that boots are a must for the fall. The nice thing about boots is that there are many different kinds to attract anybody. Whether you are looking for tall, short, laced, buckled, brown or black, there is a style for everyone.

3.During the summer it can get way too hot to wear jewelry, so it’s nice when fall comes around and we can start wearing the heavy and big necklaces and bracelets again. Big necklaces look especially good with your sweaters and jackets, and make any simple outfit appear more diverse. Jewelry will add the perfect touch to your fall outfit without going all out!

4.The perfect combination for those days when you want to look put together but also comfortable is a leather jacket and scarf. Sometimes we don’t just want to wear the leather jacket because we think it’s a bit much for class, so the scarf gives it a more  relaxed look. Both will also keep you warm throughout your walk around campus.   

Finding your style throughout the fall season is easy because of all the trending, versatile clothing items. They make it comfortable and simple to wear what you want and also how you want. This season is the perfect time to switch up your wardrobe and try something new!