Music genres good for studying


From pop to rock everyone has their preference for what they like to listen to. Having a study music preference is no different. When studying for that big test or preparing for a project, music can be essential to your study routine.

Spotify did a study with psychologist Dr. Emma Gray about the effects of music on studying. The study said listening to songs with an average beats per minute of 50-80 allowed for a conducive environment for logical thought

Here is a list of genres to help your study hour go by a bit smoother.


Reggae originated out of Jamaica in the 1960’s. It is a combination of calypso music, traditional mento music, and American jazz. Reggae music has an average bpm of 60-90. 


Jazz music originated from the 19th and 20th century. Jazz incorporates a lot of different sounds makes use of improvisation, syncopation, and polyrhythms. Jazz has an average bpm between 80-100.


Just like jazz, classical music encompasses a lot of different sounds over a long period of time. Popular composers of classical music include Beethoven and Bach. Classical music has an average bpm of 60-70.