Lindsey Graham campaigns in Ames
Korrie Bysted/Iowa State Daily
Lindsey Graham poses for photos with Iowa State students at his town hall meeting in Ames at Old Main located on Main Street. He talked for a short time and then answerd questions for the remainder of the time on Saturday, September 19.
September 20, 2015
Republican presidential candidate Lindsey Graham campaigned at Olde Main Brewing Company on Saturday, hosting a meet and greet to talk foreign policy, debt and education.
- Graham spoke talked about his plans to abolish ISIS and other terrorist groups.
- He stressed his plan to lower the nation’s debt by lowering taxes and encouraging young Americans to work until they’re 69 years old — effectively raising the retirement age.
- Graham took questions from those in attendance, which included comments about Republican front-runner Donald Trump, student loans, global health and the Iran deal.
- After shaking hands and taking pictures with those in attendance, Graham headed to Des Moines for the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s annual fall family dinner.
Read the full article here.