Fido’s Photos
Heartography allows for your pup to take pictures with his own specially built camera.
June 15, 2015
Look at these pictures taken not by man, but rather, man’s best friend. Nikon, one of the world’s leading camera manufacturers, has created a product that allows man’s furry pal to snap pictures of things that get him or her excited.
The technology has been dubbed heartogrpahy by developers at Nikon, and for good reason. The camera, one in Nikon’s Coolpix line, is housed in a 3D printed device that takes photos based on the heartrate of the dog who’s wearing it. Controlled via Bluetooth from an elastic, conductive collar, the heartography device snaps photos when the baseline heartrate, which is set by the user, is met.
While the idea is interesting, as of now it appears only to be a proof-of-ability product by Nikon, with no word on whether or not it’ll see actual production.