Letter: Conservatism continues despite struggles

In response to Clay Rodgers’ opinion piece on “The Death of Conservatism” I need to implore that we do not lose hope! As an avid Star Wars fan, I would like to provide an analogy to what the situation is.

In the Star Wars movies, the evil emperor masks his intentions and suddenly ceases power and turns the Galactic Republic into an empire through mass deception. He was able to convince enough people that the Jedi Knights who were the guardians of peace and virtue in the Old Republic were enemies. However, a small remnant remained and trained Luke Skywalker to eventually lead a restoration of the old order.

While conservatives may be in exile, we must not lose hope or fall into despair. While we are a tiny minority on most college campuses, we are not alone! While our opponents try to make us fearful by slandering us as “racists,” “sexists,” “homophobic,” “backward and stupid,” we can’t and must not back down.

Our fellow students are not the enemy, but victims of this Cultural Marxist assault. Yes, we are in a war, but we have not lost. We have lost battles and have been severely wounded but we still stand. Our role in this fight is not to defeat our fellow students in this culture war but to win them back to the truth.

It is going to take a lot of work and effort but it can be done. World War II was hard, we lost a lot of battles and lives, but we won in the end! For every Stalingrad, there is a D-Day!

Instead of mourning for the “good ol’ days” of a time when political correctness and leftist dogma was not codified in Student Codes of Conduct and Handbooks, it is time to fight back and storm our own beaches of Normandy. Please join this fight for freedom on campus with Young Americans for Freedom. www.yaf.org.