PHOTOS: Homeless sleepout

The George Washington Carver Association and the Saint Thomas Aquinas Church co-sponsored the homeless awareness sleepout on April 18. Students from various clubs and organizations gathered in the Saint Thomas Aquinas Church parking garage to play games, hang out, sleep in cardboard structures and spread awareness about homelessness. ISU basketball player Daniel Edozie came to speak about his experiences. This is the second annual homeless sleepout and it took place from around 6 p.m. to 8 a.m.

The George Washington Carver Association and the Saint Thomas Aquinas Church co-sponsored the homeless awareness sleepout on April 18. Students from various clubs and organizations gathered in the Saint Thomas Aquinas Church parking garage to play games, hang out, sleep in cardboard structures, and spread awareness about homelessness. Daniel Edozie also came to speak about his experiences. This is the second annual homeless sleepout and it ran from around six pm until eight the following morning.