Feminist Friday speaker to de-gender biology
Logan Metzger/ Iowa State Daily
Feminist Friday speaker Tera Jordan, associate professor of human development and family studies, talks about mentorship and its role in the lives of graduate students of color at the discussion Sept. 19.
October 10, 2019
This Feminist Friday will differ from those prior in many ways. Anna Carter, postdoctoral research associate of the ecology, evolution and organismal biology department, will be leading this Friday’s discussion on “De-Gendering Biology” and how the diversity of nature can counteract essentialist beliefs.
The discussion will occur from 1 to 2 p.m. Friday at the Margaret Sloss House Center for Women and Gender Equity. Snacks will be provided in addition to a learning opportunity for all.
Audience members will get a closer perspective of the science and research behind how their internalized beliefs affect their thought processes in regard to how people appropriate and gender things or beings.
“Humans are not special in the sense that we are primates; we’re mammals, we can put ourselves on the tree of life and understand our evolutionary relationships to other organisms,” Carter said. “So humans are a part of the diversity of nature, and at the same time we are the only species that can tell each other about our own ideas [or] about our identities.”
These weekly meetings include a brand new topic of discussion each time and request feedback during the group discussions throughout to more closely examine the critical aspects of any questions at hand.
The Sloss House is available to all students, faculty and community members, regardless of gender. All are invited to attend, with the hope they will learn and take away information that may benefit them.
To learn more about the Margaret Sloss House Center For Women And Gender Equity and weekly speakers, visit their website at https://sloss.dso.iastate.edu/.