Jim Mowrer’s personal profile and political positions

Alex Hanson

Jim Mowrer

Party Affiliation: Democrat

Candidate for: US House, Iowa’s 4th Congressional District.

Age: 28

Hometown: Boone, Iowa

Political History: None

Job History:

–Iowa National Guard: April 2003 – April 2009, deployed to Iraq: October 2005 – August 2007

–Pentagon: January 2010 – June 2013, Special Assistant to Undersecretary of the Army

The issues:


Mower believes students should have a chance to refinance and consolidate student loans after graduating college and also said he would support national service options (teaching, military) for debt relief to students after college. Mowrer also wants to expand the federal Pell Grant program and said getting rid of the Department of Education is the wrong approach.

Jobs/The Economy:

Mowrer said it needs to be easier for small businesses to create jobs and he would support tax incentives and elimination of red tape to speed up job growth. Mowrer says he supports reform to the tax system, but wants to keep a progressive tax system. Mowrer also supports raising the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour.

Environment/Climate Change:

Mowrer believes human activity is contributing to climate change. Mowrer wants to invest in clean, renewable energy, including wind energy in Iowa, and says it is an economic and national security issue. Mowrer supports EPA guidelines and regulations to limit outputs and emissions and noted that Iowa is already on track to meet new guidelines. Mowrer is against abolishing the Environmental Protection Agency.


Campaign site: www.jimmowrer.com

Twitter: @jimmowrer

Facebook: www.fb.com/mowrerforiowa