Sleeping matters: Why getting the right amount of sleep is important


Iowa State Daily

A student sleeps at Parks Library on campus.

Hannah Marsh

Studies conducted by the National Sleep Foundation reported that around 70 sleep disorders disturbed 40 million Americans between 1999-2004. Therefore, it may come as no surprise that college students have adapted a disorder of their own, commonly known as the “pull-an-all-nighter” syndrome. This disorder haunts those in hopes of remembering material that is impossible due to lack of sleep.

Did anyone attempt studying until 4 a.m for that 8 a.m biology midterm last week? Think about how much information you actually remembered from cramming and what went out the window once entering the testing center.

Now, think about the correlation between sleep and memory. It is actually impossible for one to properly remember and process information learned without adequate sleep. So how can one maximize sleep time and still be a college student? By finding balance.

“There is a lot of pressure on college kids nowadays,” said Francesca Johnson, junior in psychology. “…it’s hard to keep a balance.”

Well, what happens when balance isn’t found?

“Some short-term physical consequences are a slower metabolism and weakened immune system, on top of your body simply being physically tired,” stressed Carina Hanson, senior in kinesiology and health.

Sleep deprivation causes irritability, affects judgements and can make one feel drunk or hungover by not allowing complete rejuvenation from daily stress. It is also associated with obesity and increased obesity risks. 

Averaging less than 6 hours of sleep a night doesn’t give the body enough time to finish all of the phases of sleep.

Someone who has had a good night’s sleep will pass through the five stages of sleep cycle every 90 – 110 minutes. The National Sleep Foundation recommends seven to nine hours per night for college students, and each stage is vital to every individual’s overall health.

“The more sleep you get, the more you feel in control of your life and your body,” said Johnson.