Dammon: Repeal rights to conserve feelings
October 13, 2014
Over the past few weeks, I have heard many people shame the Iowa State Daily for publishing the names of individuals in distasteful context. People believe our reporters are calling people out and should refrain from disclosing personal information. If we examine this situation further, however, we will see that the issue at hand is not with our writers, editors or publishers but rather with the rights and privileges granted to us by the American Constitution, namely the First Amendment.
The First Amendment acknowledges the freedom of press. This amendment is what allows writers to express whatever feelings they may hold, regardless of how biased or convoluted they may be. This amendment also grants publishers the privilege to print stories about any topic they choose. Furthermore, this amendment is what allows all of the bullying, name calling and slander to take place, and I think it’s time to ratify it.
If freedom of the press is causing so much malcontent I say we abolish the right altogether. It is senseless to have a privilege that only causes reproach for those whom the right is given. By ridding our country of this needless freedom we can progress past juvenile name-calling and begin reporting serious news. Strong-willed, narrow-minded writers continually belittle various groups and organizations via national media. This is detrimental to our values as citizens.
Abolishing the freedom of press will stymie personal attacks. As citizens we will no longer have to worry about having humiliating information published about us. This is only the first step though.
We need to encourage stronger government monitoring of social media. As newspapers slowly go out of style, people are turning to social networks like Twitter and Facebook. Sites like these allow users to say anything they please. Anyone on social media has the ability to unjustly defame whatever or whomever they choose. People can lash out against our government or insult ex-lovers or bad roommates.
The worst part of it is none of what people say has to be true. You can post cruel and demeaning information about someone with no factual bases at all. These absurdities should not be allowed. If American citizens are going to keep the privilege to use these media outlets then the content needs to be filtered. The American government needs to step in now and start policing the views that are being expressed.
This epidemic of social discourtesy needs to come to an abrupt end. This delinquent behavior has been accepted for far too long. Discarding freedom of press and monitoring social media are only temporary solutions. The true problem is deeply embedded within the First Amendment. The true source all this of turmoil is freedom of speech. Freedom of speech is the ultimate civil liberty.
However in today’s culture it has been twisted and distorted into an abhorred nightmare. With so many people having so many diverse opinions, the only sure way to make sure nothing offensive gets circulated is to regulate what can be discussed.
The government needs to intervene and give us an allowable set of topics that can be published or discussed in public. I urge everyone to disown your right to freedom of speech and support a friendly future.