Letter: Support Rachel Junck for Ames City Council


Rachel Junck, senior in chemical engineering at Iowa State, is running for Ames City Council Ward 4.

By Taylor Junck

As her twin sister, I have known Ames City Council candidate Rachel Junck since the minute we were born. No one knows Rachel better than I do, which is why I believe she will be a fantastic candidate to represent all of Ames. At every stage of our lives, Rachel’s leadership and competitive drive have inspired me to do better, and her compassionate spirit has served those around her. Our parents, both public school teachers, and other community members have encouraged us to strive to our full potential. Throughout our childhood, we were shaped by the great Ames community. 

Now, Rachel wants to give back to a community that has given her so much by running for Ames City Council Ward 4. I couldn’t be more proud. 

Rachel will serve students and life-long residents alike to improve Ames for future generations. She will work to confront climate change on the local level, improve the quality of life, and stand up for tenants, many of whom are first-time renters. Rachel also recognizes her responsibility and unique ability to authentically represent our city’s large student population, and she will bring fresh ideas to the council about how to keep our talented young graduates here in Ames. 

I am so proud Rachel is running for City Council, and I hope you will all get to know the person I see: a smart, committed and caring young woman, who will also happen to be the youngest woman in Iowa ever elected to public office! Rachel will bring a solution-oriented approach to the City Council to create an inclusive, innovative and exciting Ames we all want to live in.

I urge you to vote for my better half, Rachel Junck, in the Ames City Council Ward 4 election this November.