5 tv shows on Netflix you need to watch

Christian Dahl

Tired of being unable to follow all the television talk? Put down your textbooks, start watching these shows and you’ll be leading the conversation in no time.

5. “Parks and Recreation”

The NBC sitcom features Amy Pohler as Leslie Knope, Pawnee’s new City Councilwoman who always seems to run into problems with her incompetent coworkers. From Aziz Ansari’s hilarious office antics to Nick Offerman’s tumultuous relationship with his estranged wife, there seems to always be complications in and out of the parks office. With season seven approaching, go get caught up now. Also, check out Leslie Knope’s campaign website here: http://www.knope2012.com/media/photos/fixing-pawnees-problems/

4. “Freaks and Geeks”

Cult Classic, Freaks and Geeks is one of Judd Apatow’s earlier pieces of work, and is where James Franco, Seth Rogan, and Jason Seagal’s careers began. The show follows Lindsey Weir and her transformation from “mathlete” to running with the aforementioned “freaks”. As a subplot, we watch Lindsey’s little brother Sam, and friends; deal with the convulsion of puberty and girls in their freshmen year of high school. The show never picked up steam with the network execs of NBC and was cancelled after only one season. With only one season being made, you should be able to breeze through it quick.

3. “Arrested Development”

I am not really sure where to start with the Bluth family. Their problems and personalities far exceed those of any real family, and keeping up with them is a lot more fun than keeping up with the damn Kardashians. With excellent writing, hilarious running jokes, and a star-studded cast, this sitcom truly rewards those who watch it.

2. “House of Cards”

What may be the best Netflix original out there (up there with Arrested Development, which was recently picked up by Netflix) this political thriller starring Kevin Spacey follows his character, Francis Underwood, and his plots to exact revenge on those who dare to cross him. With multiple Golden Globes and Primetime Emmy’s under its belt, and a third season coming up, now is the time to get join everyone else, and get addicted to this show.

1.) “Breaking Bad”

Before this groundbreaking show I knew Bryan Cranston for one role, being Malcolm in the Middle’s dad. Now, he plays Walter White, a high school chemistry teacher who is deep in the meth underworld when he is in dire need for money after falling ill to lung cancer. With its profound success, there is a pretty good chance you have seen this show. And if not, what are you waiting for?