GPSS hosts lecture, teaches professional strategies


Caitlin Ellingson/Iowa State Daily

Members of the Graduate and Professional Student Senate discussed their ideas for issues involving funding, tuition and fees for campus organizations, CyRide, international students and the GSB.

Matthew Rezab

The ISU Graduate Professional Student Senate will be hosting a lecture by Sarah Nusser, Iowa State’s vice president for research, called “Ways to succeed as a graduate/professional student.”

The event is scheduled from 5:15 to 6:30 p.m. Sept. 17 in 0005 Physics Hall.

Ruchir Goswami, chairman of GPSS university relations legislative affairs, said  a question and answer session will follow Nusser’s lecture.

The lecture is designed to help equip graduate and professional students with skills and strategies to excel in and out of the classroom.

Nusser began teaching  at Iowa State in 1992. She is an expert in statistical methods, survey sampling and computer-assisted survey methods.

Nusser won the Board of Regents award for Faculty Excellence in 2010 and is a fellow at the American Statistical Association.

She accepted the vice president for research position in January of 2014.

Nusser’s office works with research groups and individuals, providing resources and developing new ideas.

Increasing research capacity, promoting increased funding opportunites and promoting scholarship are Nusser’s stated goals for the future of  Iowa State’s research programs.

Learning to prioritize time, taking advantage of  professors and contacts and strategies for getting organized are expected lecture topics.

Free pizza will be provided by GPSS. A student ID is not required, but GPSS asks that attendees RSVP on its Facebook page — ISU GPSS — prior to the event. 

The Graduate Professional Student Senate will host its next full Senate meeting Sept. 29 in the Sun Room at the Memorial Union. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m.