Letter: I support Beto for others and my grandchildren


Grant Tetmeyer/Iowa State Daily

Presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke embraces Ames resident Joan Bolin-Betts July 2 at her home. O’Rourke talked about immigration and the detention centers as well as his plans for health care, police policies and the environment 

Pam Junkin

Please know, you are not alone in supporting Beto O’Rourke. I don’t want your generation to think you do not matter. I am an older American who is supporting Beto. For you and my grandchildren.

I have witnessed big money take over our political process. We need to support Beto, with one dollar, if that is all we can spare. Take action on polls and how biased they are. Make your voices heard. Reach out to national media and demand fairness in reporting.

I support Beto, because of his truth and integrity!

Beto has policy plans written, in part, by the American people. Those plans are doable!

Beto has a plan to pay for them by re-prioritizing how we spend our money and who will benefit from those programs. 

Beto understands: climate change is real, tariffs are taxes, markets have closed to our farmers and education needs help, from preschool to Ph.D.

Beto understands: veterans have given everything for us, health care is needed by all and Medicare for America gives us choice, military grade guns do not belong on our streets, equality and equity, immigration and those who are here wanting to become US citizens and how broken Washington is.

Beto understands social services and pay discrepancies.

Most importantly, Beto knows how to beat Trump.

Hang tough and speak! Speak your knowledge and patriotism! Old fashioned word, you might say, but so applicable to this election.

Make your voices heard. People my age are counting on you to help us return to of the people, by the people, for the people.

Just because you are young, does not mean you are ignorant of the issues or opportunities, as Beto calls them.

I wish for you all to have a good future.

Stay in school! Learn to make good choices and not ever follow something or someone you don’t believe in. 

Good fortune to all of you.