Editorial: Slow down, take time to enjoy beauty of campus

Editorial Board

Close your eyes, take a deep breath and count to five.

Alright. Let’s move on.

This is exactly what the occupants of Iowa State need to do. As we’ve the second week of school, campus is in a flurry. Pedestrians are running, bicyclists are biking and the administration are scheduling meeting after meeting. 

To take a line from the 1994 film “Shawshank Redemption,” “The world went and got itself in a big, damn hurry.” Now that school is in full swing, it’s important to take a moment for ourselves.

We need to breathe or we’re going to burn ourselves out by the end of September. This isn’t a call to halt the rising enrollment and this isn’t a call to be safe on campus. It’s a call to relax and take in what’s around you. 


When heading to class or across campus, no matter what your mode of transportation is, give yourself some extra time. Get off your phones and be aware. You don’t have to hone in on your destination and be as alert as a Navy SEAL, but it will make your and others’ commutes a lot easier. Take time to smell the flowers on campus. You’re at one of the most beautiful universities in the country, so appreciate it.

It’s not always possible to saunter between classes when traveling from Carver Hall to Lagomarcino Hall. That’s understandable. But if you take time to breathe in the smells of Iowa State, you’ll find yourself in a calmer place.

Professors, lecturers and educators

When you walk into that lecture hall everyday, packed with 300 or more students, remember why you’re here. Contrary to what some students may think, you’re here to make a difference and impact the learners in your classroom. Whether that’s 18 students or 180, you’re making a difference.

Be patient with those hustling from the other side of campus to your classroom. While it isn’t always the case, most students are doing their very best to get to class on time. You’ve seen the sidewalks and made some of the same commutes as us, so you know what it’s like.


While you may not be taking the same tests as us or grading the same papers as the educators you hire, you are doing some intense work to improve the ISU student experience. While some may not see it in your eyes, continue to work toward the goals you have set.

In five, 10 or 20 years, it won’t be about the money you made but the example you set. Help the students follow in the right footsteps by making decisions based upon your knowledge of the community.

This isn’t a call for reform or an expression of outrage. It’s a call to stop being so consumed in the everyday goals and items and take a small moment for yourself. We all have a long year ahead of us and if we get too wound up now, the energy will be all gone before Thanksgiving.

This is a call to you, Iowa State. Take a breath, count to five and let’s get to work.