Editorial: Leath makes right choice by sharing recommendation

During the Government of the Student Body meeting, President Steven Leath lightens the mood by decorating his informative response to a question with humor.

Editorial Board

Thank you President Leath for keeping us informed.

The Veishea Task Force has been having regular meetings since the 2014 riot in an effort to provide official recommendations about the future of the event to President Steven Leath. Every meeting but the final one was made open to the public.

It was expressed by students, faculty and members of the community that they would have rather had the meetings continue to be open to the public because a lack of transparency in the meeting made it seem as though the task force was hiding things from the public.

Fortunately, however, when the final recommendation from the task force was submitted to President Leath on July 11, he immediately made it public. Leath made a statement and set a deadline of early August for a final decision. For that we would like to say thank you.

Veishea has meant a lot to students both past and present who worked to organize and run the celebration. Therefore, we are happy to see that those students and the rest of the public will still get to follow along while the final decision about their beloved event is being made.

To President Leath and the Veishea Task Force, we appreciate the final report and the fact that you made it public. Whether or not students agree with the task force’s recommendations, they now know the possible outcomes.

Many students truly love and care for Veishea and are concerned about the future of the event. No matter the outcome, students, alumni and the rest of the public now have a solid explanation for whatever is to come of the event.

Thank you for keeping the students, faculty and community members up to date with this issue.