ORIENTATION GUIDE: Letter from the editor

Dear incoming students,

Welcome to Iowa State! You’re entering one of the most exciting times of your life. I’m sure you have been getting a lot of advice recently, but let me take a moment to tell you what I have learned in my time here at Iowa State.

College is your time to figure out who you are, what you are interested in and what you want to do with the rest of your life. Take advantage of your time here at Iowa State and find your passion. Whether you get involved in clubs and organizations, take classes outside of your comfort zone or make new friends, be sure to you find something you care about.

I chose to get involved. I started working for the Iowa State Daily just one week after moving to Iowa State for my freshman year. My time spent at the Daily helped me find my passion for journalism and for serving those around me.

That’s just what we are doing here at the Daily. The Daily strives to keep others informed and provide the ISU community with great journalism all the while giving the students who work here real-world experience.

So whether you decide to work for the Daily like I did, join a club or take a class outside of your major, make sure to find what it is that you love. Have a great first year here at Iowa State.


Maddy Arnold

Editor in Chief

Iowa State Daily