Veishea committees

Lindsey Wanninger

Veishea has been growing ever since 1922 and is the largest student run celebration in the country. In order to maintain this reputation, it takes the help of many dedicated committee members and an executive board, who are carefully selected.

Kelsey Duff, co-chair for the alumni relations Veishea committee, said they have certain qualifications they seek and there are certain numbers they want to reach.

“We want the brightest leaders of the pack, ones who will be able to give back,” Duff said.

Khayree Fitten, one of the Veishea recruitment co-chairs, said there is a recruitment process for students who want to get involved in Veishea.

Swanson the mascot, along with a couple other committee members, were on campus one day promoting Veishea and answering any questions students had about the celebration. They handed out quarter sheets to inform students about the application deadline.

Fitten said once the applications are in, the executive board goes through them and there are usually around a few hundred applicants.

“Each individual will preference four committees they want to be involved in,” said Fitten.

After the executive board goes through the preferences, their committee will decide if they would like to interview them. This process usually takes a few days.

They had two full nights of interviews at the beginning of the school year. During the interviews, they are constantly taking notes and want to know what the applicant can bring to the table.

Carl Hanson, one of the executive board members for the operations committee, said this is third year involved with Veishea. His sophomore and junior years he was a committee member.

“Senior year I interviewed and got executive member,” said Hanson.

Duff said she is very busy on campus but it is very exciting to be apart of a Veishea committee.

“…I love giving back to Iowa State,” said Duff.

Veishea isn’t just run by the committees and their co-chairs. Volunteers are needed to help work at the events.

“Recruitment sends sign-ups to corp members. The number of volunteers varies depending on the event,” said Mikayla O’Brient, co-chair for the entertainment committee. “For example, Service Day has hundreds of volunteers where a Great Hall event may only need four volunteers per performer.”