Wandschneider: Parking Tickets
Kyle Schlichting/Iowa State Daily
The Board of Regents has now proposed to have the fee raised for illegal parking from $30 to $40 and parking without an appropriate permit from $25 to $30. Where as raising the fines may seem like a terrible idea, it is for the best.
March 24, 2014
One of the worst feelings is for a student to walk out to their car and in the distance see that little yellow envelope. Inside is a parking ticket as punishment for the owner that has violated a parking rule. The Board of Regents has now proposed to have the fee raised for illegal parking from $30 to $40 and parking without an appropriate permit from $25 to $30. Where as raising the fines may seem like a terrible idea, it is for the best.
The way that the parking division makes it’s income is through selling permits, meters, fines, and other things that are charged to drivers. In a world that suffers from rising prices, the parking division must also raise prices to keep up with the economy. The parking division does not receive any money from the university. The money has to come from somewhere, so instead of jacking up permit prices, those that violate parking rules will be the ones targeted.
Parking in places without a permit is a violation and should be handled accordingly. Raising the ticket prices will help these violations stop, for no one wants to pay the raised price for a ticket. The reason why parking without a permit is such a problem is that it is taking spots away from those that paid for a spot in that parking lot.
When students who obtain parking spots leave campus, those who don’t have a permit may take their spot. With already such limited parking on campus, the student may return to a lot that has no open spaces when there should be some. This can cause the student to have to park somewhere else, which can result in a parking ticket for them.
Non-permit holders are not only causing problems for students, but faculty as well. Iowa State’s faculty need to be able to have access to on campus parking, for they are commuting to campus each day. Since Iowa State is their employer, it is important for them to have access to spots on campus. Unfortunately, these spots are being taken away from people that do not want to park their car off campus.
Instead of complaining about the rising price for a parking ticket, the solution is surprisingly simple. If you do not want to pay the fine, do not park in a spot that is considered illegal. Not only does this save you a couple bucks, but it also opens up spots for the people that spent money to park there. If you feel that you did not deserve that ticket for one reason or another, you are given the chance to appeal the ticket. Depending on the situation, it may or may not work in your favor.
A possible problem may be that if the price is raised, it will convince people to not park in those spaces, which prevents the parking division from making money. This is something that most likely won’t happen. The rise in price will not scare off everyone and there are still visitors that may park illegally.
For those that don’t have a spot on campus, but still want to park in the lots, there is a way to do so without getting a ticket. Most lots open up certain areas after a specific time to allow drivers to park on campus.
No one wants to get a parking ticket and with the raise in price, it makes drivers want one even less. Even though this may be seen as an inconvenience in the driver’s eyes, it is something that needs to be done. It is helping the parking division make ends meet as well as allow permit holders to obtain the spots that they paid for. Parking without a permit is a violation and raising the price is showing that this is no easy going matter.