Letter: Come celebrate all life in Iowa

Mark Edwards

Much of the news is about disasters, our inhumanity and armed conflict by individuals, gangs and governments. Our compassion, anger and disbelief over the circumstances gives little relief. We get the grisly details of names, dates and places, but generally, it is all about humans.

Certainly, the loss of human life associated with murders, hurricanes, wars, car accidents and disease are tragic. But why is the loss of human life the only loss reported in detail?  The earth holds over eight million species and humans are but one. Maybe by calling attention to the plight of those without a voice, we can starve off the impending extinction of one million other species and save ourselves as well.

The Sierra Club would like to explore this and is sponsoring a council of all beings on Oct. 5.  We will gather at the 4-H Camp south of Boone and the Ledges State Park along the beautiful Des Moines River. The camp contains some of the best biological habitats left in the state and is being sub-divided into 12 pieces and sold to the highest bidder. 

This is your opportunity to come and share your connections to the other species you have known and care for. We will adorn simple masks to represent them as we share our stories about the more than human world.  

The event is open to the public. Please register, join us, bring the kids, masks and a spirit of celebrating all of life here in Iowa, the most biologically altered state in North America during the highest extinction rate since the dinosaurs died off. More information can be found at https://www.sierraclub.org/iowa/2019-annual-meeting 

Call 515-230-7274 or 515-277-8868