Mandatory online Title IX training for ISU students
Iowa State is issuing a mandatory Title IX sexual harassment training for students and faculty to help prevent future sexual harassment incidents.
January 28, 2014
Starting today, all ISU students are required to complete online training on violence prevention due to a federal Title IX mandate which prohibits sexual discrimination in education.
“We’re putting special emphasis on making Iowa State a safe, welcoming community, and the student training is part of that,” said President Steven Leath. “Faculty and staff also are required to complete online training sessions on discrimination, harassment and Title IX. These sessions will show us all how to recognize violence and harassment and how to be a part of stopping it.”
Tom Hill, vice president for student affairs, said that the Title IX training will enable students to seek help if they encounter violence or harassment as well as teach them about university policies and resources.
The training will cover topics such as sexual discrimination, harassment, assault and misconduct. Hill said the training will take an estimated 40 minutes, but students can break the training into as many sessions as they need. Training will need to be completed by Feb. 28.
Students can compare the Title IX training to the alcohol and sexual conduct online training students complete before coming to Iowa State. It will consist of an interactive question and answer format.
“The content is interesting, relevant and based on real-life university situations,” Hill said.
Hill said even if students neglect to complete the training, they will not slip through the cracks; there will be some sort of follow-up to make sure all students complete the training.
“We’re really hoping with something this important that there will be no one who will decide not to do it,” Hill said.