Letter to the editor: Adoption month

Dr. George Belitsos Is The Ceo Of Youth & Shelter Services, Inc.

November is National Adoption Month, a time to raise awareness about children waiting to be adopted and to thank and celebrate adoptive families. Currently, there are about 880 Iowa children and youth who are legally eligible for adoption from foster care and more foster parents are also needed. These children sometimes wait five years or more to be adopted, which can be a lifetime to a child. The average age of a child waiting to be adopted is 8 years old.

More good families are needed to provide these children with loving homes. You could change the life of a child forever. Few children can reach their full potential without a sense of belonging to a permanent family.

If you have some extra room in your heart and home, consider becoming a foster and/or adoptive parent. The support of one caring adult can make a lifelong impact on a child’s life. To help and learn more, please call Bambi Schrader at YSS at (515) 233-2250, extension 4561, or Iowa KidsNet customer service staff at 1-800-243-0756, or visit www.iowakidsnet.com.

Dr. George Belitsos

420 Kellogg Ave.

Ames, IA 50010
