Titus: Fitness 101: Stay fit, healthy in college

Katie Titus

College students everywhere dread those unwanted 15 pounds we are “destined” to gain as freshmen. We are in a new place with many different cafes and dining centers. When Mom isn’t here to tell us we cannot eat something, it’s easier to overeat.

In many cases students are lucky if they only gain the “freshman 15.” The average weight gain for college students has risen and mostly happens in the first semester. Iowa State has options for students to stay fit and healthy, but does everyone know what they are?

Obviously the two gyms on campus, State Gym and Lied Recreation Athletic Center are no secret. Many people go every day to run on the track or to lift weights. However, as yet another result of record enrollment on campus, students are not always getting the machines they want to use to work out. There is still hope. Both gyms offer workout classes such as kickboxing, cycling, and the ever popular Zumba. The fitness classes give students many different options for working out.

If you have too many classes and cannot handle having one more instructor during the day, doing intramurals with your friends might be for you. Iowa State offers a variety of different sports to play with a group of friends to get moving around. Joining athletic clubs is also an option. There is everything from the rock climbing club to the running club to keep you active on campus. Finding your niche on campus is up to you.

Students in greek life may feel they are too busy to make it to the gym every day. Simple activities such as Yell Like Hell and Lipsync are very active and can help greek students stay in shape. Working out doesn’t all have to be done in a workout setting. Dancing with your friends to practice for Yell Like Hell and being active even for a of couple hours per week can, over time, help you stay in better shape.

If you’re not greek, or maybe don’t want to be with anyone at all while working out, there are options for you as well.

There are workouts that you can do right at home. Taking the stairs to your dorm on the 10th floor rather than taking the elevator can turn out to be a great workout. Doing sit-ups during the commercials on your favorite show helps you stay in shape without even leaving your dorm room or apartment. Getting together with friends and watching a movie and doing a sit-up every time the main characters name is said can give you a sure fire workout in the first half hour. Options for exercise are everywhere, but there is more to staying healthy on campus than just working out.

Making healthy decisions at the dining centers is an important part of staying healthy. There are a multitude of different options at the dining center for students, but just because you put a piece of lettuce on a cheeseburger doesn’t make it healthy. Fruits and vegetables are an important part of a balanced diet, and they are an easy part to forget in the busy college lifestyle. Making a healthier choice in the dining center will help your body have energy for going to the gym later. The next time you’re in the dining center put down the brownie and pick up the broccoli.

Remembering that a healthy diet and your gym sweats are your friends can help you stay in shape, or even lose weight throughout your college years. Maintaining a healthy diet also consists of something most college students do not get enough of — sleep. In college, not getting your eight hours is no crime. In most cases the average college student gets only six hours of sleep a night. However busy you may be, maintaining a normal sleep schedule is important to leading a healthy lifestyle.

Whether working out at home or in the gym, staying active is important to good health as a student. When the weather is nice, trying to walk to more classes can help you stay in better shape. The next time you’re reaching for that midnight latte, go for tea or water instead. These options can give you the energy you need without the extra calories you don’t need.

Overall, taking advantage of the healthier options in our university will help you succeed as a student.