NTK Welcome to Iowa State – Katelynn McCollough

Saige Heyer

Welcome to Iowa State University and the beginning of an amazing adventure!

That is exactly what college is, an adventure. Each day will hold the opportunity for you to explore new ideas, meet new friends that you will have the rest of your life and give you the chance to discover who you really are.

Just remember, you are on a beautiful campus with more than 30,000 other students all looking toward the future. Get out and meet people, dress from head to toe in cardinal and gold to cheer on the Cyclones, do something you never dreamed you would do before. Believe me when I say, these next four or five years will fly by along with the once in a lifetime opportunities that come with being on such a diverse campus as Iowa State.

This adventure will have its snags along the way, but don’t worry, we’ve all had our failures. The hiccups in the journey are something to learn from, but it’s the successes and memories that you will hold onto for years to come.

Don’t forget the late night projects, long reading assignments and early morning classes are part of the adventure too. Don’t be the student who only takes classes that fall within your major, be daring and pick a subject you’ve never considered, it may surprise you.

The Iowa State Daily will be available for you on campus each day so you can see what other students and faculty are doing to make the most of their adventure. And who knows, maybe one day it will be you on the front page.

Good luck and get out there to start your own adventure!

Katelynn McCollough

Editor in Chief

Iowa State Daily