Community service officers assist ISU students

Jared Raney

While many ISU students were gallivanting on the beaches of Florida or in some other warm paradise during Spring Break, one part of the student body was resolutely strolling the still-snowy campus.

Community Service Officers patrol the ISU campus every day, whether it’s during finals week or Spring Break. They lock buildings, patrol campus and ensure the safety of the college community day in and day out.

Charles Morton is a junior, majoring in history and minoring in criminal justice. He has been working for the Department of Public Safety as a community service officer for six months and has loved his work so far.

Community service officers deal with all kinds of problems, from helping students unlock cars to changing flat tires and escorting students who feel they are in danger.

The job mostly involves patrolling campus, walking through buildings and locking doors and generally ensuring that nothing bad is happening to students.

Morton doesn’t just do this job for the fresh air. He is a police force hopeful, and to him what he does in his job as a community service officer is training for his future profession.

“I’ve always wanted to help people,” Morton said. “I’ve always wanted to be a police officer; it’s just something I think I’ll enjoy, serving others.”