Haueter: See you later
Outgoing Editor-in-Chief Kylee Haueter is a senior in journalism and political science and will be moving to Houston to write for Community Impact Newspaper.
May 5, 2022
I’m graduating this semester, so this week has been a lot of lasts.
Thursday was my last class. Wednesday was my last therapy appointment and my last Iowa State Daily board meeting. Tuesday was my last doctor’s appointment. Last weekend was my last sorority event.
Friday is my last trivia night with all of my friends and my last budget meeting for the Daily. Saturday is my last big event with all of my friends.
I am not a person that likes lasts. I don’t like saying goodbye — I would rather keep it at a “see ya later.” Unfortunately, as a graduating senior, the reality is that there aren’t a lot of “see ya laters” to say. I won’t have another class. I won’t have another trivia night at Blue Owl with all of my friends. I won’t have another Iowa State Daily board meeting or budget meeting.
I haven’t fully processed these lasts. I’ve been so concerned with the future and how I’m going to move to Houston, what my life is going to look like, and what I’m going to do when I’m not at work, and I haven’t fully let myself live in the moment of these lasts. I haven’t let myself understand just how much my time here has meant to me.
So here it is:
Over the last four years of college, I have learned what I want to do with my life and who I want to become. I met the person I see a future with. I grew as a journalist and as a leader. I met my future bridesmaids. I found my forever people. I learned how to be independent while also learning how to let myself rely on others when I need to. I learned to let myself open up and have real connections instead of shutting people out. I learned how to accept my faults and ask for help.
My growth doesn’t stop here. I will learn plenty more in the coming years on my next adventure, but these four years have provided me with more growth than I could have ever imagined. I can’t stress enough how important every single person I’ve met is to me.
Being the editor-in-chief of the Daily has forced me to examine myself in a different way, and I am forever grateful to everyone who pushed me to be the best that I can be. This has been simultaneously the best and most difficult thing that I have ever done, but I don’t regret it, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.
I have written over 200 stories for the Daily, but this is my last. Thank you for reading and trusting me with your stories. You are in amazing hands with Amber Mohmand and Kate Kealey, your next editors.
Since I don’t like saying goodbye, I’ll leave you with this:
See you later, Iowa State.