Letter to the editor: Purge politics from public universities

During my almost 34 years as a faculty member, I have witnessed occasions when internal organizational politics frustrated the academic function of Iowa State University. However, the controversy over the establishment and proposed activities of the Harkin Institute of Public Policy has dramatically demonstrated a new and different problem, the incredibly corrosive effect of partisan politics.

While not surprised by the conservative biases of Regent Craig Lang, Regent Bruce Rastetter and Gov. Terry Branstad, it was very disappointing to see President Steven Leath so readily accept and support such obviously partisan positions that clearly run counter to the mission of Iowa State University.

Efforts to control the message and to “speak with one voice” have no place at an independent, objective university; marching in lock-step with politicians currently in power demeans the institution and challenges its objectivity. Instead, diversity of opinion and critical thinking should always be endorsed and encouraged.

Finally, one has to ask if the same virulent opposition would have reared its ugly head if we were considering a Grassley Institute; I think not. Let’s make every effort to recognize and then expunge partisan politics from our state’s public universities.