Iowa State hosts Iowa Statewide Veterans Conference

Daily Staff

From 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 15, Iowa State is hosting the Iowa Statewide Veterans Conference in the Memorial Union. Admission is free for students and $30 for members of the public to attend.

The focus of the conference is for student veterans who are supplementing their years of armed services experiences with an adventure of Iowa State and other institutions of higher education.

Throughout the conference, there will be three breakout sessions discussing everything from support for family members of veterans to faculty members working with student veterans.

A discussion on the “Experience of Women Veterans” will be given by Michelle Hendricks, director of Thielen Student Health Center.

Corey Rumann, assistant professor of educational administration at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, will be the opening keynote speaker. Hunter Riley, program director of the Pat Tillman Foundation, will the evening keynote speaker.