Letter to the editor: King opposed to protecting pets

Have you ever had a special bond with an animal, particularly with a dog?

Were you shocked by the details of Michael Vick’s dogfighting ring several years ago?

Would you like to see legislation enacted to create greater penalties against all aspects of dogfighting?

Are you eligible to vote in this year’s election for U.S. House of Representatives between Steve King and Christie Vilsack?

If you answered yes to these questions, regardless of your political affiliation, please seriously consider voting against King. King’s voting record as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives is crystal clear… He votes nearly 100 percent of the time against animal protection bills. He voted against legislation to offer help to pets when natural disasters occur. He voted against measures to crack down on dogfighting even one which would ban bringing children to dogfights.

Regardless of whether you are a Republican, Democrat or Independent, King’s voting record is out of touch and should be of major concern to anyone who has even the slightest affection for animals. Please do man’s best friend a huge favor. Vote against King, and vote for Vilsack in this election.