Letter to the editor: From condoms to Christ

Erica Fischer

Last Tuesday, the front page article of the Daily featured a stack of multicolored condoms and talked about how students can be “sexually (pro)active.” The very next day, the front page featured a picture of students gathered under the Campanile singing Christian worship songs.

This is college.

Iowa State, like many college campuses around the country, is very diverse. I am proud of the Daily for showing the full spectrum of college life. Maybe the two cover stories were delicately planned by the paper to show that they are an unbiased publication and balanced in their subject matter. If so, oh well. It shows maturity of the paper and its contributors. College is a time for students to figure out that whole maturity idea, even if we lose the most popular part of the paper, the “Just Sayin’.”

The Daily’s mission states that they empower, “students to inform, educate and engage their community.” For nine months out of the year, our campus is our community and to “engage” in it we need to remember that our college is a collection of people who wear condoms, people who worship Christ and everyone in between.