Tips for summer grilling safety

Ashley Hunt

With the Fourth of July holiday fast approaching, grill outs and barbecues will be taking place left and right. 

While these events can be a fun way to get outdoors and spend time with family and friends, they can also be dangerous if the proper precautions are not taken.

According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, approximately 30 people are injured each year as a result of explosions and fires from gas grills. Additionally, approximately 100 people are injured as a result of accidents from charcoal grills, and 30 people are injured carbon monoxide gases.

In order to prevent such occurrences, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission released a collection of safety tips for the general public when using gas and charcoal girls this summer season.

Gas grills

Before starting your gas grill, check tubes and pipes for insects, spiders or food grease. Use a pipe cleaner to clear any blockage.

Check hoses for holes, cracks and leaks. Be sure to check that there are no bends in any of the hoses or tubes. Make sure gas hoses are located as far as possible from any hot surfaces. If the hoses are not able to move, install a heat shield.

Your grill came with an instruction booklet of some sort. Check the instructions in the booklet for how to check for gas leaks and be sure to do routine checks. If you smell gas or detect a leak, turn off the gas immediately. Do not attempt to light the grill until you have the leak fixed.

Gas grills are highly flammable, so be sure to keep lighted cigarettes, matches or any other type of flame a safe distance from a leaking grill. Grills are not meant for indoor use. Use your grill at least 10 feet from any building.

When transporting gas containers, keep the container in a secure and upright position. Do not keep the container in a hot car or trunk. Pressure increases when affected by heat, which could cause a gas leak.

Charcoal grills

Charcoal should never be burned inside buildings, vehicles, tents or campers.

Carbon monoxide fumes are produced until the charcoal is completely extinguished. Do not store the grill inside.