Iowa State continues intensive project of making campus wireless for Internet

Morgan Fleener

Information Technology Services has announced their continued intensive effort in a two-year project that is helping to upgrade and add wireless Internet access to Iowa State’s campus.

After a significant donation was contributed from the Computation Advisory Committee, the wireless Internet addition is underway to help add coverage to 90 to 95 percent of campus in various locations such as classrooms, public space and other buildings with high student traffic.

The wireless project is focused on handling high-density classrooms and bringing the Ethernet wiring to the proper locations to deliver the wireless service.

Director Systems and Networks Director Angela Bradley is very pleased with CAC’s decision to help support this project and believes it will help advance technology in the learning environment for students, staff and faculty.

“Mobile technologies are essential, and with the dramatic increase in the number of devices and throughout requirements seen this school year, the wireless network needs expansion to meet the demand,” Bradley said. “The CAC award will help evolve the wireless to the next level, providing significant enhancements for both current and future students.”

Planning to wire around 45 buildings across campus, the project is planned to be finished by the summer of 2013. The project has already completed additional coverage in Durham, Design, Hach, Lebaron and Parks Library.

Current work is being done to complete the wireless coverage at the buildings Physics, Science I, Science II and Coover to continue the completion of wireless coverage at Iowa State.

Academic Technologies Director Jim Twetten believes campus will be affected positively in the additional benefits this project will help cover.

“It’s unclear how many more devices our near future students will bring, but it’s certain to only increase,” Twetten said. “Therefore, it became almost imperative to undertake this initiative.”

IT Services would like students to be aware that the new type of wireless will provide significantly increased bandwidth and access to both previous and additional locations.

With more access to accessible and faster Internet, IT Services hopes that the outcome will evolve campus technology to the next level and provide significant enhancements for both current and future students.