Knight, Brown ticket seeks to increase value of education

Jared Knight, senior in political science, and Katie Brown, senior in liberal studies, are running for GSB president and vice president. Knight is the current vice-president and Brown holds a seat in the cabinet.  

Charles O'Brien

Jared Knight, vice president of the Government of the Student Body, and Katie Brown, director of membership development for GSB, are looking to bring more value to students’ college experience with their bid to become the president and vice president of the student body.

Knight, junior in political science, is the presidential candidate for the pair. During his three years at Iowa State, he has been a member of the Student Affairs Advisory Committee, Special Student and Fee Committee, the Honor Student Board and the Cyclone Swing Society.

Brown, sophomore in history, is Knight’s vice presidential pick. She is involved with the ISU Cyclone Football “Varsity” Marching Band, Concert Band, Alpha Delta Pi sorority and is an honors undergraduate adviser.

“I decided to run for president because there is still a lot of work left to do,” Knight said. “We’ve accomplished a lot already, made a difference, and we want to continue it.”

The pair is running on a platform of bringing more value to the classes that students take, the residential housing where they live and the dining services where students eat. They also want to establish a database that contains teachers’ evaluations — a ISU version of Rate My Professors. Along with this, they plan to strengthen the Dead Week policy and raise student awareness of GSB.

Another issue the pair is highlighting is the importance of GSB senators communicating with constituents.

“Senators are not being very good representatives. This is about the Iowa State students and senators are not communicating with them,” Knight said.

Knight said he chose Brown for a running mate after he saw her work on the GSB executive cabinet and around campus. She impressed him with her leadership skills, work ethic and commitment.

“I want to see more camaraderie and direction within discussion in senate. This would allow for us to be more efficient,” Brown said.

The two look to work closely with each other to accomplish common goals and support each other’s vision of Iowa State and what they need to do to better the university.