Letter to the editor: Freedoms protected by soldiers are worth dying for

Austin Laugen

[In response to Thomas Walker’s letter to the editor criticizing the College Republicans’ collection drive for soldiers,] I have but a simple question β€” Why are you here?

America is a country founded on freedom. However, that freedom came only through millions of soldiers who have fought and continue to fight because they believe in something so great. That freedom allows normal citizens to live safely as well as to write and publish their opinion. If you don’t appreciate the people fighting to maintain our freedom, then what is the point of living in America? Despite all great political differences, it is the one substance that ties us together.

I’m so sick of people cutting down every part of America. The freedom we have is a privilege both worth living and worth dying for, so it’s time to step up behind the great country we have the gift to live in. That is what the College Republicans were trying to do, and it’s what everyone regardless of political affiliation should be doing. Appreciate what our troops fight to defend, Mr. Walker, for in many countries you would be imprisoned or killed for writing such an article.