Eco friendly gifts for the holiday season
Photo courtesy of United By Blue
United By Blue hoodie
December 12, 2011
Being environmentally friendly is a lifestyle. In other words, part of being green is giving green. Support eco shopping and gift better this holiday season.
“The Outdoors Enthusiast”
It is likely that he or she not only loves nature but wants to lead the kind of sustainable lifestyle that will protect it. For around $100, try Timberland Earthkeepers Men’s Boots, made of green materials like recycled pop bottles, organic cotton and coffee grounds.
“The Baby”
Older sister have a baby recently? Start the little bundle of joy off right with recyclable clothing. At, for just $30 a month, Plum provides infant and toddler organic clothing in sizes 0 to 2T. According to the company’s website, “Think of us as Netflix for baby clothes.” Each month, a bundle of baby clothes is delivered to the front door with free shipping. This company also donates the imperfect clothing to foster homes.
“The Green Geek”
The consumption-driven electonics industry often clashes with ideas of sustainability and environmentalism. The good news is there are plenty of products that defy the usual ubiquitous e-waste. Try the ReCase iPhone Case from Miniwiz for around $20, made from 100 percent trash from rice farming by-products and recycled plastic bottles.
“The Girlfriend”
For around $30, you can show your love for her and the environment by purchasing peaceBOMB bracelets. Fragments of bombs are melted and shaped into bracelets. For each peaceBOMB product sold, Project peaceBOMB donates funds equivalent to the cost of clearing 1 to 15 square meters of unexploded bombs in Vietnam and Laos fields, forests and farms.
“The Boyfriend”
A hoodie, around $50, made of organic cotton from the ethical clothing company, United by Blue, would make a great gift. For every product sold, United by Blue removes one pound of trash from the world’s oceans and waterways. The packaging is plastic-free and even uses hang tags made with elephant excrements. Shop United by Blue this Christmas, and at the checkout, type in the codeword cyclones11 for $5 off your purchase.
“The Fashion Buff”
Osborn Shoes are entirely handcrafted by Guatemalan artisans and feature reclaimed cotton from Mayan skirts and recycled tire heels. For around $100, you can give a unique, one-of-a-kind gift that is sweatshop-free. The website states, “Each shoe is signed by its maker, as a testament to the sense of pride for the maker, as well as the wearer.”
“The Design Junkie”
The “Design Junkie” is hard to please. Original and well-designed gifts can be hard to find, especially if your design fan is picky about their carbon footprint and impact on the environment. Map Pillow Covers, around $50, from My Bearded Pigeon can be the perfect gift. My Bearded Pigeon uses organic materials that meet the Global Organic Textile Standard for ecology and social responsibilty. They only sell the pillow covers, not the stuffing, in order to keep postage and carbon emissions low. A portion of the proceeds are also donated to Kiva, an anti-poverty association.