Letter to the editor: Perry ad shows bigotry to gain votes

We are appalled by Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s campaign ad that first aired on Dec. 7. The ad is a blatant attempt to use religious bigotry to gain votes.

This ad begins with Perry reminding us that he is a Christian and then states, “There’s something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military, but our kids can’t openly celebrate Christmas or pray in schools.” This is insulting to gays, non-Christians and anyone who supports human rights and who recognizes the importance of the separation of religion and government.

Perry makes the ludicrous accusation that President Obama is waging war on religion and goes on to tell us he will “fight against liberal attacks on our religious heritage.” This is, of course, a thinly veiled message to those who claim that this is a Christian nation. We vehemently condemn this ad and feel it borders on hate speech. Perry is appealing to the prejudices he assumes many Christians in our country share.

We hope he is wrong in this assumption, and we urge Iowans to repudiate Perry’s homophobia and religious intolerance.