Letter to the editor: Gingrich’s religious sincerity causes doubts

Kirk Wilkins

One should find it most peculiar that Newt Gingrich and his fellow Republicans, who insist we are a Christian nation, admonish Occupy Wall Street protesters to get a job and take a bath when the alleged savior to whom they devote their lives seems to not have been that concerned about doing either his whole life. What is most important to note, however, is that Jesus was even more seditious than the Occupiers: Jesus caused chaos in the temple and interfered with market activity. In comparison to that, Occupy Wall Street has been mild.

One need not wonder for long how Gingrich, had he lived 2,000 years ago, would have reacted to the self-proclaimed Messiah. He would have most probably condoned the use of pepper spray and even advocated for the addition of a crucifixion. In this case, one can only wonder how Christian he claims to be.