Letter to the editor: Military service essential to guard freedoms

Joseph Wuebker

Complete garbage. That is what this article is. As a lecturer here, at Iowa State, teaching America’s youth and shaping us to be the future leaders of the country you and I call home, and you say things like this? If we did not have these incredible men and women in the armed forces protecting us every day, you might not even have the right to publish your opinions. Of all the events going on right now, you chose to bash the people who are literally dying to protect your right to do so.

I understand that you do have the right to produce this filth, thanks to our military, but I do not understand how someone, after writing this trash, can go on living and benefitting from the great policies and opportunities that this country provides to us. I support everything our troops do for us and I am eternally greatful toward each and every member of our armed forces for doing things that nobody should ever have to do. You make it sound like these people are on a vacation, living in classy hotel resorts, and enjoying the time they are spending over there … Well, news flash, Mr. Walker … Every night, they go to bed not knowing if they will even live through the night in combat zones. I do not wish you would have to walk a mile in their shoes. Why? Because nobody should ever have to go days or weeks without showers, proper meals or even the slightest notion that people back home still think about them.

This time of year is a time of giving, of thanks and of love. Not of slander, filth and scum. And if you really think that giving to the troops during the holidays is an “eleemosynary travesty” (distorted representation of charity), maybe you should take some time to give to the groups you wish to provide to and kindly keep your nose out of other peoples’ business. You also need to take a step back, look at what all you have and really thank the people who make it possible for you to have all that you do.

I am proud to be an American and I want to send out a Happy “Holidays” or “Merry Christmas” to every single member of our armed forces, just to let them know that we are still here and we do still care about them. You should show some support too, Mr. Walker, we all should.