Letter: When will extra ISU fees end?

I want to address two topics recently covered in the Daily.

First, there are a couple of reasons commuters to Iowa State should not have to pay to use the commuter lot. First off, there isn’t any free parking on campus. Parking meters and “permit required” lots restrict student parking and the Parking Division makes a lot of money off of us already. It is true that maintenance has to be done, but I thought we paid for that, seeing as our tuition and fees have increased every year I have been at this university.

Will a separate fee be created to charge students for the use of sidewalks, because they too require maintenance? Could a solution be more parking on campus with such great convenience that people wouldn’t mind paying for it?

The second topic concerns LGBT housing. I feel like this idea is a form of segregation. I do understand that students desire it, but this detail could be lost on people who only see that LGBT students are separated from other students. It seems like a side-step as we try to move forward for equal rights and understanding.

In addition, Iowa State’s co-ed living only goes as far as males and females living on the same floor. Co-ed rooms haven’t been implemented because of the potential problems that could result. There are security, hygiene, privacy and other issues because of the relationship between men and women. Understandably, this is different for LGBT students, but the potential issues between these students have to be considered also.