Homecoming Pep Rally

Margarita Landeros

As the night came upon Central Campus, the large white tent came to life. The night was young and the air was a crisp, cool sixty five degrees while two huge lights struck the stage as the Iowa State university band played. It was six thirty on November twenty second and the homecoming pep rally had begun.

The crowd was pleased as Cy ran around and got the little ones along with the not so young audience members that had sons or daughters involved pumped. Tom Buckhouse, had a daughter named Jenny and she was among the competing sororities.

“This is my second year attending and I really enjoyed “Yell like hell” and the lawn display,” said Buckhouse.

The performances were about to commence and the crowd roared.

A crowd of around a hundred gathered and waited for the performances to start. The MC took stage cracked a few jokes, and introduced the first “Yell like hell” contestants.

They performed a skit with such energy that it filled the audience with enthusiasm.

“It’s a rush of adrenaline and gets me really hyped “said, Maggie Kelly , a sophomore studying child and adult family services, and one who had just performed in “Yell like hell”.

The atmosphere was crazy and filled with individuals who clearly “bleed cardinal and gold” with their effusive Cyclone pride.

Other appearances were made by the women’s basketball team, football captains and senior players, and the men’s basketball team.

After the show was over, a lovely women by the name of LaRue Clark was with her two friends, who were admiring the lawn displays. She explained that this was her first year attending the pep rally, but was an alumnae of the 1951 class. She had a special enthusiasm for all of the pep, as she said she was married to a man associated with the farmhouse fraternity. It was prevalent that she had a great passion and love for the school.

The night was just beginning as many wandered off in to the night as they awaited the midnight Campaniling and fireworks.