Letter: Paying the fine might be cheaper than paying the meter

After receiving one of those yellow envelopes of doom on my windshield a week ago, I definitely was drawn to Rick Hanton’s article on the Daily. And I’m really glad at least there is some mention of the too-enforcing parking division. I had a similar story when I parked into the lot across Town.

I paid a total of $4 in change so I could leave my car there for awhile without worries. I was only two minutes late of my expired time. Two minutes. And I see a bright yellow envelope of doom on my car. So not only did I pay the $4 but +$10 fine as well. Maybe it would have been better not paying the parking meter at all and just get the $10 fine? Seriously, two minutes.

This is utterly ridiculous how ISU Parking Division shows no remorse for college students just trying to make it to class. Most college students barely have enough money as it is due to all the college fees. I don’t see how parking police feel good about themselves waiting at the parking lot to ticket poor students. Maybe they do? Maybe they put a smile on their face when writing the ticket? It would explain a lot. …two minutes.